Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands Promotes Mason
Edison National Bank/Bank of the Islands President Robbie Roepstorff is pleased to announce that Lenor Mason has been appointed the Bank’s Information Security Officer. Mason will also retain her current officer position as Senior Vice President, Director of Information Systems, in which she oversees Edison’s use of technology and systems for the delivery of products and services to its banking customers.
“Lenor brings more than 30 years of diverse banking experience to this important new role,” said Roepstorff. “She was one of Edison’s very first employees and remains a valued member of our team.”
As Information Security Officer, Mason will oversee all areas of the Bank’s information security program to ensure both regulatory compliance and protection of the Bank’s information systems and data. In addition to and complementary with her other responsibilities, Mason has also been designated as the Bank’s Disaster Preparedness Officer.
Throughout her banking career, Mason has continued her professional education, most notably by becoming a graduate of the Florida School of Banking.
A long-time resident of Lee County, Mason is actively engaged in the bank’s community service efforts.
Edison National Bank is Lee County’s oldest locally owned and managed community bank, serving individuals and business owners with offices in Fort Myers, as well as the Bank of the Islands offices on Sanibel and Captiva. Founded in 1997, Edison National Bank is strongly rooted in the community and actively supports civic and charitable causes through both donations and volunteerism. For more information, call (239) 466-1800 or visit www.EdisonNationalBank.com.